The National park of Gombe Stream.

Located 15 km north of Kigoma, Gombe Park was created to protect one of the last population of wild chimpanzees (Pant troglodyte).

Gombe National Park in Tanzania, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Gombe National Park by Google earth.

Gombe Stream national park | Jane Goodall institute.
En l'honneur de Jane Goodall.

Pan Troglodytes at gombe stream national park.


      The park was created thanks to studies made by the primatologist Jane Goodall. Recognized scientific, she came to settle in this region in 1960 to study animals in their natural environment. For example his work enabled the science to know that chimpanzees can use tools (rudimentary) to capture ants for example, or break stones for the "nuts".


      The observation of the hierarchies of groups, highlighted the complexity of the social fabric of this case also.


Ardea alba bird of lake Tanganyika at Gombe stream national park.


      National Park "Gombe Stream" is very small, the smallest of Tanzania, it is only 51 km2, it is crowned by the east side of the peaks reaching 1500 m altitude, and its later west it is bordered by Lake Tanganyika, Lake whose clarity of the water has nothing to envy some seas.


Monocerus elegans bug of the shore of lake Tanganyika at gombe stream national park.

       Inhabited by more than 250 species of cichlids (Cichlidae), and about 150 species of non-cichlid fish, we can observe as many different crustaceans, shrimp, crabs, shellfish such as mussels, snails endemic species of jellyfish, sponges, an aquatic snake may also be crossed, the Cobra water (Boulengerina annulata stormsi). The park's wildlife is very diverse.

      That's roughly 200 species of birds can be observed. Reptiles such as Varan (Varanus niloticus), or Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)





      Excursions are organized, they are obviously still made on foot, to discover these great apes is an unforgettable experience not to be missed if you are in this region.


Pair of Haliaeetus on the tanzanian shore of lake Tanganyika at the gombe national park.
Haliaeetus vocifer torque on the shore.


Varanus niloticus at Gombe National Park.
Varanus niloticus on the coast.

Some sites :

The Jane Goodall Institute->

The "Gombe Stream" National park on the net :

On Wikipedia ->